Real Estate Photography Marketing Agency

How Rob reduced costs and generated more revenue per client by switching from VAs to Brandblast


time savings


cost savings


more revenue per client

Meet Rob, the CEO of a Real Estate Photography Marketing Agency. With an expanding client base, Rob's goal was to scale his agency's social media services efficiently without increasing overhead exponentially.

The Challenge: Initially, Rob hired Social Media Managers to handle the social media needs for each client. This method quickly became unsustainable as the agency grew. The costs were high, and the approach was not scalable without significant additional hires.

The Shift to In search of a scalable solution, Rob discovered Impressed by its automation capabilities, he realized that this technology could eliminate the need for additional Social Media Managers. Rob decided to integrate into his agency’s operations. The implementation was smooth as it seamlessly hooked into his CRM and allowed for the management of multiple client accounts from one place.

- Time Savings: Rob saw a dramatic reduction in the time spent managing social media campaigns, achieving a 90% decrease. This freed up significant time for his team to focus on strategic initiatives and creative aspects of marketing.
- Cost Reduction: Switching to resulted in a 78% decrease in costs related to social media management, drastically reducing the agency's operational expenses.
- Revenue Growth: Most notably, the agency was able to double their revenue per client by offering the social media management as an upgrade from their base package. This substantial increase in profitability came from being able to serve more clients more effectively and efficiently.

Conclusion: Rob’s decision to adopt transformed the operational dynamics of Rob's agency. Not only did the agency streamline its processes, but it also significantly improved its financial performance and client satisfaction.

Are you ready to experience similar growth and efficiency in your agency? Visit or contact us for a demonstration on how our solution can help your business achieve remarkable results.‍‍



Real Estate Photography Marketing Agency


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